After my decision to run a marathon, I really started training. All by myself.
As an intermediary goal, I set the HM (half Marathon) in Eindhoven 2018, and started training for it, using online running applications to set training schedules.
Looking at my age when I first started running, and not having done any sorts of real active sports in my life, I also decided to at least do a yearly sport check at the local hospital.
After running the blistering hot HM in Eindhoven, and getting the advise during the yearly sport check to really train my Aeroob zone. (Keeping my HR below 140) At some point I decided to look for a running group. As I was kind of lonely during the long kilometers on the road.
Most running groups in my area, did not really suit me needs, or their training schedule was so out of sync with my personal life, that it took some time for me to find one, the really suited me. I found 2run4fun, and everything about it, I liked. Starting with the name of course.
After a phone call by Huub Hendrickx, I decided to join the 140 group on Sunday morning for a first introduction. And was hooked immediately. Wow, did that line up with the advise I was given.